You can’t very well expect anyone to Follow Toto if there is no Toto, so of course there has to be one. But in fact there are at least two.
This latest Toto is a towable camper trailer manufactured in southern California by a company called Lance something-or-other. They build their trailers carefully (mostly) and use premium materials along with the same lousy appliances all the other RV manufacturers use. And they give their trailers clever model names — honest. Ours is called “2375.” Kind-of evokes nature and mountains and forests and rivers, yes? Hmmm.
Yes, there was a previous Toto, much revered in our household. But as our trips lengthened, the little tyke seemed to shrink, so we DFA’d him and found this new, improved Toto.
Toto #1 was a beautiful creature at first glance. Toto #2 looks okay, but his true beauty lies beneath the surface, or rather inside his aluminum-framed, fiberglass-clad walls. And he retains the original Toto’s sense of purpose: he moves the plot forward. Right behind Chief.
Sharing is caring!Following is daring.