There are abundant walking opportunities around Fort Worden State Park. We took two walks — a short one and a shorter one — from our deluxe campsite in the Beach campground. The shorter one is just around the campground.
This path offers the same old boring stunning stupendous views we’ve already discussed. Note, however, that if you are a Cairn terrier you are not going to see these views because the dune grass blocks them.
… unless you can get a ride.
This shorter walk was ideal for day of arrival. The next day, we were going to go for a longer walk, and maybe we did. Or maybe we entertained some locals (friends we met last year) and went for our walk the next day. Yes, that was it — I remember them recommending a hike around the fort’s batteries. We followed their advice.

We took the doggies up a fairly steep path to get to this collection of woods and meadows and gun emplacements. The hill was maybe a little too steep to do with a doggie stroller, but that’s a pattern I’m getting used to. Good exercise.
We walked about three miles that day. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s about the max we can do with the stroller and the terriers. Without them, I think we could probably manage 3.25 miles…

Tyler and Wally wanted to go spelunking under a deteriorating structure. I’m afraid we had to discourage them.

The aging structure in question has been a theater and a supply depot. Now a vacation rental for termites.
We did find a place for Wally to chill a little.

Meditation garden, just down from the batteries. No wars were actually fought at the fort, so there was plenty of time for contemplation, I guess.
…. and so, after a few wrong turns and an accidental tour of the barracks area of the park, we headed back to the campground.
Wow, I am all the way caught up with writing about our travels, except for a just-completed six-campground trip down, and up, the Oregon Coast. I will get right on it.

Sharing is caring!

Following is daring.
We love Fort Worden! While you were up at the bunkers, you may have noticed a circular lawn area just above the bunkers. Underneath that clearing is a 2,000,000 gallon abandoned cistern only accessible by a manhole. If you climb down in, you’re presented with a 45 second reverb decay. It was the time spent down there that inspired our son’s latest CD “Cistern” (featured all this month in Times Square, NYC.
On another “note”, we’re heading to Yreka, CA this Sunday to look at, and possibly buy, a fifth wheel!
I will take the CD and skip the manhole! So fun to see Jherek’s well-deserved success. Yreka! We stayed there once, in a place cleverly called Yreka RV Park. Good luck on your adventure — hope it’s exactly what you want.
Got the 5th wheel! BARELY got it to fit in our driveway. Looks like some reconfiguring of the landscaping is in order. Anyway, I’m curious about your memories of Yreka. We thought the town was one on the most depressing places we’ve ever been!
Hey Kurt! Congratulations! After you sold the boat I was afraid you wouldn’t have something to absorb your wealth. No problem now, you have an RV!
Well. Yreka. Not on my list of places to possibly relocate. I’m sure there are lovely aspects, but we didn’t see any of them, either. Maybe a local could tell us about the pluses. Recreational opportunities? Lower housing costs? No local Costco to absorb wealth? Etc.