It turns our those Repose Fire Logs do more than keep us warm and give us something to stare at. They attract creatures.

Before lighting: yeah, they look unusual, but they, too, used to be trees. In this state, the logs were actually not attracting any creatures, unless you count the hordes of American Robins. It is the Year of the Robin, yes? They’re everywhere we go (or stay) this Spring.

Smoke analysis: it’s like that of traditional kindling and split wood. A little smokey when first lit, then not so much. Also, as with traditional fires, breeze constantly shifts to usher smoke toward most smoke-sensitive person nearby.
And that attracts beings.

It wandered up quite close to our campfire; it had moved away a bit before I got the camera fired up.
Bambi appeared to be heading for the shallows between the Wenatchee and Columbia rivers, where young salmon hang out until they’re large enough to swim out into the Columbia and head for the ocean without being swallowed whole by predators. I forget what the predatory fish are called — possibly “orcs.”

The Army Corps of Engineers, or maybe some Eagle Scouts cut a channel between the rivers to create this shallow lagoon. The salmon-babies are grateful, but the orcs are just frustrated. The lagoon was just down from our campsite, behind a natural hedge of, uh, plants.
There were also some human beings, but they did not approach too closely. And I had showered! But here is the thing: Sooz and I were both fighting colds, or flu, or some other upper respiratory affliction. There was some sneezing and coughing. Had I been a nearby human (and you could make the point that I was, but I mean other nearby human), I would have kept my distance.
And this brings our Wenatchee Confluence State Park saga to a close. I leave you with another lagoon shot. While I try to sort through the pix of our next destination — Osoyoos, BC — maybe you can see if you can find Bambi in there somewhere.

Sharing is caring!

Following is daring.