The night before we were to get our orientation on Toto, and take delivery, we hadn’t seen any pictures of Toto since he was a mere shell. The wonderful people at Escape Trailer Industries (ETI) have a tradition of sending pictures of your trailer as it’s being built, once a week or thereabouts. Sometimes they miss a week or they get distracted with other stuff such as building trailers.
So there we were, in Chilliwack, BC in a lovely motel, with nothing to do and filled with anticipation and curiosity and all of it.
I checked my email and, surprise, here were some pictures to “tide us over,” as ETI’s ace customer service person put it, until the next day. Here’s one of the pix.

Some of Toto’s glorious insides, including, right to left, the “nightstand” as it is known in Escapeland, the microwave oven above the closet, the 6.7 cubic foot refrigerator, and way down there at the end a glimpse of the Toto Lounge. That’s the furnace just above the floor where the Toto Lounge begins, and up on top you can see a corner of the air conditioner.
We liked the look. At some point we may have found our way to what passes for a wine shop in British Columbia; you could also call it an extortion parlor, with its Tiffanyesque prices even for junk-jewelry-grade wine. Worth every penny (Loonie?), though, as we sipped the evening away, staring at pictures and imagining ourselves as officially recognized trailerists.

Another night-before shot of Toto’s interior; kitchen sink and stovetop on the left, the Toto Lounge in the distance. Shockingly bright LED lights everywhere. That dark square at the end of the floor is an electrical panel.
This was our first glimpse of just how plain a fabric we had chosen for the upholstery. (We have since livened things up a bit by adding pillows and recovering the matching window cornices).
It was so very kind of Crystal to go and get these pictures for us. She probably wanted to be going home and doing whatever British Columbians do after a long workday. Instead she took pix and sent them to us. We owe her. (But don’t tell her we said so).

Sharing is caring!

Following is daring.