Last month we took a three-week trip down — and back up — the Oregon coast. We are not lovers of hot weather, so we figured midsummer is the right time to head for the coast. We tried to prepare for a mix of weather — from socked in to sultry — and we were rewarded.
First stop:
This park occupies a good portion of a long sand spit that splits the Pacific Ocean and Nehalem Bay, on the northern Oregon coast. It was a five-hour drive for us — we don’t go very fast, especially over hills and around curves, and the route offered plenty of both. Also, I missed a turn and that cost us 20 minutes. Oops.
We relaxed that first night — Sooz had wisely put some easy-to-fix leftover in the fridge, and we dumped it into the kitchen sink at a rest area so it would be fully thawed by dinnertime. Next morning, we explored. And found many things.
Next, we went back to the campsite and explored the nearby beach — just over the dunes, we assumed, from our dune-front site.
I walked Wally, and Sooz walked Tyler, which by definition means I was a few dozen yards ahead of Sooz. Wally wants to get there; Tyler enjoys the journey.
I saw this; Wally is too short, and the wind blew the scent away from him.
… and then we got to the sand. The dogs — 8 and 9 years old, respectively — turned into puppies.
Yes, that is Tyler, behaving as he had in puppyhood: pensive. And Wally, behaving as he had in puppyhood: disruptive. He should have been in software marketing.
That evening, Sooz and I made our second attempt at Dutch oven cooking. This was a modest effort (on my part): I just managed the oven. Sooz prepped the pizza. We made two — one to cook indirectly on the grill, and one to bake in the Dutch oven.
The next day I took a bike ride on the 2-mile loop that runs from the campground out to Nehalem Bay and back. Then even later Sooz joined me and we walked the dogs around the same loop.
…and those are our Nehalem Bay State Park highlights for today. We enjoyed our stay, but were anxious to move on to our next, highly anticipated, ocean-view campsite at Beachside State Park. Please do stay tuned for our report.
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